Colleyville Eats

Like so many things in life, disruption often results in something new and beneficial. 


Such is the case with Colleyville Eats — a Facebook group turned business that was imagined and founded by our neighbor Lourdes McWithey.


In 2018, when Highway 26 was under construction, Lourdes worried about the restaurants in town.  Would they survive? 


In an effort to encourage residents to support local restaurants – especially the “mom and pop” ones – she started a Facebook group called “Colleyville Eats.”


The group grew steadily.  She arranged monthly meet ups so people could gather at different eateries, make connections, and share meals together.  Additionally, members could use the Facebook group to post dining photos and reviews at other area eateries. 


The Facebook group continued to grow and restaurants jumped in…and eventually it evolved into a business for Lourdes.


But the goal is the same – bringing restaurants and the community together.


Even though construction on 26 is over, our local restaurants still need support and patronage. 


As soon as it’s safe, Lourdes is looking forward to reinstating the monthly Meet Ups during which people can meet at a local restaurant, meet new friends, try new dishes, and support our local businesses.


Until then, you can visit the Colleyville Eats Facebook page or Lourdes’s Colleyville Eats Website to learn more.

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