Top ten list from the HOA Annual Meeting

10. This was a first

This was a first for us — our annual meeting was hosted on Zoom and well attended. 

We had two guest speakers:  Jerry Ducay, our city manager, and Chelsea Rose, president of the Colleyville Chamber of Commerce.

9. What’s happening in C’ville?

City manager Jerry Ducay shared information about the proposed bike trail that would skirt the north side of Saddlebrook and connect Sparger Park with the Nature Center.

There is no additional information to add at this time about the project, but Jerry will let us know when there is.

Additionally, he share information about the Cheeksparger construction, Highway 26 medians and towers, the success of the cash card program, and  the Glade Road construction project.

8. Looking for armadillos?

Chelsea Rose, president of the Colleyville Chamber of Commerce, spoke about the opening of the Colleyville business center, an upcoming Colleyville Podcast, and upcoming Cham6ber events – notably City Slickers, which will include an armadillo race!

7. New members

New board members were voted into office:  Michael Fuchs, Marco LeRoy, and Paul Harrington who will serve as our new HOA president.

Thank you to outgoing president Candice Sandifer!

6. New families

Thirteen new families who have moved into the neighborhood were introduced and welcomed.

5. Let’s get back to having fun

Neighborhood events like the Easter Egg Hunt and Garage Sale will be determined by the board.

4. Making our neighborhood beautiful

We had extensive tree-trimming completed this year in and around the neighborhood. We continue to maintain seasonal plantings at the entrances.

3. Expenses

Our largest HOA expense is landscaping and watering. This year an additional expense included the tree trimming.

2. Upcoming changes

We will be updating our CCRs this year based on new state laws. Homeowners will be asked to vote on changes.

1. Our wonderful neighborhood!

Even with the increase in dues, Saddlebrook has the third lowest homeowner dues in Colleyville.

Our HOA continues to plan ways to maintain our lovely neighborhood and provide opportunities for neighbors to get together.

Want to learn more? 

Residents can access directory information, a calendar of neighborhood events, and CCRs on the private side of this website.  You can also update your information and pay your dues there!

The whole video of the meeting is available in the library. You can find this on the homeowners’ side of the website.

If you’re interested in seeing our City’s state of the union video (includes singing and dancing!), you can find it here: Colleyville State of the City.

If you like to plan ahead, our next annual HOA meeting will be held on February 3, 2022.

Ready to get involved in our neighborhood? We’d love to have your help! You can volunteer here.

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