Homeowner Directory Update

We’ve changed the way we update our printed homeowners’ directory. We now use the website database to update the directory. Please register or update on the saddlebrookhoa.org website to be included in our confidential neighborhood directory.


Not Registered: If you have never registered you must do so. Here are the procedures:

  1. Open an internet browser (Chrome, etc.) and type https://saddlebrookhoa.org/new-home-owner-sign-up/ in the address line.
  2. Fill out the form (email and password are required).
    1. Couples may use both first names (Bill & Jill) in the First Name field to create a single entry or create two separate entries.
    2. Add secondary emails and phone numbers in the “Remarks” field if you wish.
  3. When finished entering your information, scroll to the bottom of the page and click the “Register” button.
  4. In a few minutes you will receive a verification email (please respond to it), followed by a confirmation email.
  5. The webmaster will review and approve your registration shortly (Allow up to 48 hours).

Registered User: If you want to change/update your information:

  1. Login to the website.
  2. Find the “Residents+” Menu and click on “My Account” or use this link https://saddlebrookhoa.org/iump-account-page/.
  3. Click on the “Profile” icon to display your account information.
  4. Make the desired changes.
  5. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click “Save Changes”

Registered forgot password:

  1. On the login page find “Lost your password?” and click on it.
  2. On the next page type in your email address and click the “GET NEW PASSWORD” button.
  3. If you are registered, you will receive two emails at the email address you entered.
    1. The first email will be a confirmation email.
      1. Click the link to verify your request.
    2. The second email will contain a password that will allow you to access the secure part of the website and your account information.
  4. Once you are back in your account we recommend you change your password.

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