Roof Repair Update for the Saddlebrook HOA

The storms and hail of May and June have caused damage to many roofs in our neighborhood. Residents are wondering what they should do if they need to replace their roof. First a little history.

Up until a few years ago HOA’s “ruled the roofs” so to speak. HOA Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CCR) dictated many of the things a homeowner could do to the exterior of their home, including the roof. You had to follow certain guidelines on the type and quality of the roofing material and installation, and receive permission from the HOA to replace a roof. While usually well meaning, some HOAs imposed unrealistic conditions on roof replacement and as a result the State of Texas became involved.

The State of Texas changed several laws regarding HOA authority, limiting the demands an HOA could place on a homeowner regarding roofs and other issues. The result of this legislation is the Saddlebrook HOA can no longer mandate the materials, colors or construction of the roofs on dwellings in our subdivision. The homeowner is free to choose and install whatever roof type they wish provided it meets all city and state codes or requirements.

However, your Saddlebrook Board of Directors kindly asks that you still contact our Architectural Control Committee as a courtesy and that you choose materials that are consistent with the quality and aesthetics of our wonderful neighborhood! You’ll find contact information for the ACC and the BOD on this website. Click HERE for a list of Board and Committee members

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