***BE ON ALERT!!!!!!!!***

On August 17th a VERY rare thing happened in our neighborhood. A man, apparently attempting to evade police, drove his truck between two houses on Saddlebrook Drive and crashed into a retaining wall. The man allegedly ran from the scene.

There is no information available regarding the alleged incident, but it highlights the need for Saddlebrook residents to by alert.

Lock your doors, check your security cameras before opening your door to anyone, and report suspicious activity to Colleyville Police. Our city and our neighborhood are very safe, and keeping your guard up will help keep it that way.

Colleyville has a strict solicitation policy. Solicitors are required to register with the city, get an ID badge and wear it, and avoid soliciting anyone on the city “No Knock” list. For more information click HERE for the Colleyville web page.

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