From the President

Dear Neighbors,

As we approach the end of a very difficult 2020, I want to update you about a few upcoming issues as we get ready for 2021. We are all hopeful for a more “normal” year ahead, but recognize that flexibility is the name of the game and has been for some time now.  We are grateful to live here in Saddlebrook and hope that everyone stays healthy and safe.

Shortly you will receive a letter detailing changes and updates in our neighborhood. I have also posted the letter in our private library on the website. Below is a snapshot of the neighborhood issues discussed in my letter.

Annual Homeowners’ Dues Increase
Effective January 1, 2021 Homeowner dues will increase to $400.00.

Proposed Trail System
Proposed along Little Bear Creek. The project is in the early stages and will not begin for at least two years.

Website and Directory Update
The website is finally working as we want it to and we are actively combining our printed directory website directory. Please check it out and update your information on the website.

Annual Meeting
The Annual Homeowners Meeting will be February 4, 2021 and will be a combined in person and Zoom affair. We are working on the location and will announce it at a future date. All Covid-19 precautions will be taken.

Other Items
Although we have cancelled social activities for the year we are planning a couple of socially distanced holiday events, including a visit from Santa himself. We hope next year will see a return of our social events.

As always, it is an honor and blessing to serve as your Board President.  I look forward to seeing everyone out and about in the cooler weather. Stay safe, and Happy Fall!


Candace Sandifer
Saddlebrook Homeowners Assoc.

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