What’s Happening in and Around Saddlebrook?

This is a new post we hope to publish once or twice a month to help keep neighbors informed about our neighborhood and local events.

Let’s start with the Annual Garage Sale on Saturday May 1st. We had a great day for the sale, no rain and not too hot. While driving around, we saw a lot of neighbor participation and quite a few cars with people looking for hidden treasure.

As we finally open up after COVID, our next event will be the Annual Block Party late this summer, in conjunction with National Night Out. We typically block North Haven and meet there for food and fellowship. We’ll publish more details as the date approaches.

We hope to have a Halloween Parade and Party in October, but need Social Committee volunteers to organize the event.

Just before the Garage Sale we had our entrance signs power washed. The newly cleaned signs really make our entrances look good.

Speaking of entrances, we are in the process of replacing damaged plants at all the entrances and updating the entrances at each end of Saddlebrook Drive.

On May 22nd from 5:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. the city is putting on the first annual Colleyville City Fair at City Park.

Speaking of the City, they are working on the Glade Road project(s) and will close Riverwalk at Glade to put in the new roundabout. According to the City it will be closed until August.

If you have information about local or neighborhood events that you would like to share please email info@saddlebrookhoa.org with details, dates, etc. and we’ll add to our update.

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