A Successful 2022 Annual Homeowners Meeting

After a delay due to icy weather in February, the Annual Homeowners Meeting took place Thursday, March 3rd. The meeting was well attended and very successful. Our new attorney was the guest speaker. Mr. Prichard Bevis spoke about the many changes in Texas law that affect HOAs. A new board of directors was elected adding two new board members. The board now consists of seven members. The board of directors presented various initiatives for 2022 and beyond. The board plans to update the CCR document, improve our main entrances and repair our wall. The membership voted to increase annual dues to offset rising costs and planned improvements to our neighborhood. Details of the dues increase will be sent to all residents in the near future. The Annual Homeowners Meeting is where you and your neighbors determine the course of our association. Please plan to join us next February 2, 2023.

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